Community Calendar/PSA Program

Best Broadcast Group Stations strive to include PSA's from as many different non-profit sources as possible
in the stations community calendar. The PSAs will focus on basic facts. No lengthy descriptions will be given.
They will be edited to meet station specifications. No phone numbers of organizations will be given over the
air. This service is offered on an "as available" basis. The best way to ensure you message is
broadcast is through a paid advertising schedule. In most cases, Best Broadcast Group Stations will
"match" non-profit paid advertising schedules with a no charge schedule.
Priorities for PSA Selection include:
1. Community Issues (No political language or advocacy)
2. Multicultural Events
3. Arts Related Events
4. Environmental Related Events
If Best Broadcast Group Stations can use a PSA, it will be placed on the stations community
calendar and/or in a rotation with other PSAs. We do not guarantee the number of readings or times of day.
Because of the large number of Community Calendar/PSA requests, we cannot notify organizations as to whether
its submission will air on our stations.
On occassion there are some items we cannot air because of the large number of requests we
receive. Those include:
- Informational announcements (e.g. National XYZ Week or Month)
- Any event that is not open to the public.
- Your group's weekly or monthly meeting, except when a speaker of unusual local,
regional or national prominence will be appearing.
- Any solicitation for auditions or camps.
- Car washes, dinners, bake sales, attic sales, tournaments, black tie galas,
receptions, or similar group fundraisers.
- High school, college or church reunions.
- Events at your church or synagogue, except for significant concerts or lectures.
- Events outside of our coverage area.
- Any event that is sponsored by another radio station or other media outlet.

PSA Submission and Contact Info
Copy - The most effective announcements are always straightforward: Event
description, date, location, and contact phone number for information. Best Broadcast Group Stations reserves
the right to edit all copy.
Mailing - Mail, fax or send as an email attachment your copy to be
received at least two weeks prior to the event.
As air time is limited, we cannot guarantee that PSAs will run. Feel free to call for help
with your text; we will be glad to work with you on your copy or timing. We appreciate receiving your PSAs and
hope to support you wherever we may.
Station Website - Several of our Station websites also feature a community calendar
page where you can submit community calendar/PSA's on-line. See station websites for further information
and remember, not all of our websites offer this option.
Information sent to Best Broadcast Group Stations must arrive by mail, fax or e-mail at
least two weeks before your event. Items will be considered for air, if the following information is
- Name of event and sponsoring organization
- Date of event (with multi-day events, plays, etc., please include each individual
performance date.
- Time of event (on all performance dates.)
- Street address of event.
- Description of event
- Phonetic pronunciation of unusual names.
- Ticket or admission costs for event or for each performance.
- Contact name and telephone.
Remember: This service is offered on an "as available" basis. The best way to ensure you
message is broadcast is through a paid advertising schedule. In most cases, Best Broadcast Group Stations
will "match" non-profit paid advertising schedules with a no charge schedule.